My first post!

I guess you can consider me a late bloomer, at least that is what I consider myself.  I have been intending to start a blog for several years, but never have, until now.  I would like to make this a place, first, for theological discussion.  The idea is for this to be a safe haven where we can explore differing opinions of theology together.  I have to confess, I am not a biblical or theological scholar by any stretch of the imagination.  The few things I do know have been accumulated through: one-on-one shepherding, self-study, intense theological reflection, and my education via Liberty University.   participants should keep in mind that “critical thinking” is a God-given (Imago dei) attribute to us as human beings, and we need not to throw our brains in the trash in favor of long-held beliefs that have a more emotional connection than a logical conclusion.

With that being said, I also want to use this blog for a place to discuss family life: marriage, kids, parenting, etc.  Because I am educated in Marriage and Family Therapy, I will occasionally post topics specifically related to the psychosocial aspects of family life.   course, these posts will be done under the umbrella of Christian theology.  Another topic that I will attempt to blog about is music.  Classic rock, indie, pop, punk, metal, classical, all genres are fair game.

P. S.

I may not blog as often as I would like, due to my demanding school, work, and family schedule.   I will make a valiant effort to do so on a somewhat regular basis.  I hope to get something substantial up here soon, so check back soon.
In His Grace,


About fatsmalloy

Laid back, at least that is how my wife would describe me. I do tend to look on the lighter side of life's toughest situations. Music, counseling, and reformed theology are my biggest passions. I have a wife and 4 beautiful children. I have been attending school for what seems like forever, but hopefully, will be done soon. I long to serve Jesus, the one who loved me and died for me. I long to serve the Spirit, the one who worked in me so that I could receive spiritual sight. And I long to serve the Father, the one who knew me, loved me, and called me into a communing relationship with himself.
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1 Response to My first post!

  1. Jimmy says:

    Good to see ya blogging, Thankk for the comments on mine. I look forward to reading what you have to say 🙂


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